The School Network
We are at the beginning of the adventure; the network project was launched in the spring of 2020.
The adventure begins and you are the actors. Get involved in our project.
We are also looking for volunteers to animate the project.
Each school has a showcase area on this website.
Schools can present achievements, describe actions that can be reproduced by other classes, propose new ideas, propose projects or sister schools … Once connected, network members are free to communicate off the website via e-mail, WhatsApp, Zoom, Messenger, etc.
In return, we only ask that you help to animate the website by providing feedback, such as images and text, describing your activities. We are only the first link in the chain, your involvement is fundamental because the network is you!
Membership is free, just make a request for access to an open space on our website.
Each class is represented by a designated teacher and a single email address. The teacher will be able to update the showcase content via protected access.
After acceptance of an application, we will contact the teacher to agree on a date for the presentation and explain how to update their showcase area on the website.
Each school can publish the following items in their showcase area:
- Class intervention reports
- Network questions, propose projects or sister schools
- Inter-class collaboration reports
- Students’ drawings
- Students’ recordings or videos. The files must be posted by the designated teacher and validated by the moderator before uploading.
These media will be disseminated by inserting a link or an exportable Youtube or Vimeo file in the School Network website. Thus, the school or the designated teacher is responsible for diffusing the content.
We invite the designated teacher to obtain authorization from the parents to diffuse images or videos of the children. The association « An Ocean of Life » is not in a position to verify that this formality has been carried out beforehand; the teacher and the school are thus responsibility for any recourse by third parties.
It is forbidden to name children, using their last name, or to enable personal identification.
All content will be subject to validation by the webmaster prior to publication.
The email addresses of the teacher will not be published on the public access part of the website. Only network members will be able to obtain these email addresses.
The association « An Ocean of Life » reserves the right to accept or reject applications and delete accounts that are inactive or do not comply with the law or the community spirit.
Ecole maternelle Gambetta, Paris
Clone of Collège Les Aigrettes St Golles les Bains - Réunion Island

Collège Les Aigrettes St Golles les Bains - Réunion Island

École française du Nord, Mauricius Island

Association d'Alphabétisation de Fatima, Mauricius Island

Ecole de l'Ermitage-les-Bains

International Prepartory school, Mauricius Island

Caroline, Bel Air Riviere Seche, Mauricius Island

Royal Road Belle Mare, Mauricius Island

Saint Michel Road Grand Gaube
Cap Malheureux, Mauricius Island
Trou aux Biches Road Triolet, Mauricius Island

Ecole primaire Notre Dame de France, Marseille

Collège Monticelli, Marseille
Ecole primaire Notre Dame de France, Marseille

Ecole de l'Ermitage-les-Bains

Collège Les Aigrettes St Golles les Bains - La Réunion

International Prepartory school, île Maurice

Caroline, Bel Air Riviere Seche